Personal information that you may submit is handled by EIKON sas - Viale Belfiore, 14 - 50144 FIRENZE(FI) - 055 3215497 as Controller, in order to supply the services that you request (for example: ask for information, register with the website to get offers and advantages, receive quotes, make payments, buy goods and receive them at an address provided by you, make a reservation, transfer documents).
Moreover, data that you may submit may be used, only with your explicit consent, to send you commercial information by e-mail or sms about the services offered by the Controller.
In the first case, the legal foundation of such handling is the execution of an agreement; in the second case, it is consent. Data handling will be performed electronically and is be made available to the third parties (external Processors) within the European Union or in countries outside the EU, duly contracted and offering adequate security guarantee, that are needed to supply essential services to satisfy your needs. Such external processors, whose list is available upon request, may belong to subject categories that assist the controller in supplying the services offered by this site (such as, for example: software developers and website service providers, couriers).
Data may be further processed for the purpose of statistical analysis and direct marketing, anonymously, as better detailed in the cookie policy. This processing is therefore legitimate and necessary to offer a service that meets your expectations. Data may be stored for the entire duration of the services requested by you or for a longer time only if allowed by regulation. At any time you may exercise the rights provisioned for by articles 15-22 of the GDPR getting in contact with the controller of this website.
To modify or delete only data that is stored on the systems supplying this website, click here. Information that you supply to the form (including your e-mail address) may be delivered to a third party subject that will act as external Processor and supports the Controller with management of the website and execution of your request.
In case you request to delete your data, we inform you that it might no longer be possible for us to provide you the service you ask for.
Finally we inform you that you may submit a complaint to the Authority for data protection, in case you believe your rights have been violated.
This website may use cookies, including third party cookies, to improve the navigation experience and allow the user to benefit from our online services and receive advertisement in line with their preferences. Cookies used in this website fall into the categories described below.
Cookies are small text files that are automatically stored on the user PC inside the browser. They store basic information about Internet navigation and they get identified through the browser whenever the user visits the website.
Details are given below about cookies that may be installed by this website and information about how to manage preferences related with them.
Technical cookies as detailed below do not require consent and are therefore automatically installed upon access to the website.
Cookies managed by third parties may also be installed through this website.
For information about such third party cookies and consent management the specific links are given in the tables below. Moreover, by accessing the web page it is possible to get information about behavioural advertising and about deactivating or activating cookies of the listed companies who work with websites to collect and use information to provide interest-based advertising.
These cookies provide anonymous/aggregated information about how users navigate the website. The links to their respective cookie policy pages are given below to manage their consent.
These third party cookies - if the respective links are present on the website - are used to integrate some common functionality of the main social media and to provide them within the website. Specifically, they allow to register and authenticate on the website through facebook and google connect, sharing and commenting about website pages on social media, enable the "Like" function on Facebook and "+1" on G+. The links to their respective cookie policy pages are given below to manage their consent.
These third party cookies, if present, enable displaying advertisement based on interests shown by users while navigating online on websites and APPs belonging to the third party circuit that released such cookies. For example, remarketing cookies that might be used by this website may include those of the Display Network from Google and of the Audience Network platform from Facebook. The links to deactivate the use of cookies by Google and Facebook are given below.
These third party cookies, if present, enable tracking of the visits to this website made by companies that have a registered static IP. Public information about static IP may be used, together with other public data, to contact businesses that showed interest with products and services offered by this website.
The service is identified by the name “Business Contact” and involves installation of the following cookies:
The following links take you to information on how to manage the Cookies settings on some popular browsers:
If you use any other Internet browser or you don't know the type and version of the browser you are using, clicking on "Help" up in the browser window, you will get access to all necessary information.
In compliance with the GDPR articles 15-22, the user has the right to ask, in writing at the address of the Controller of this website, for access to his or her personal data, for correction or deletion of such data, or also simply for limitation of their handling (anonymization), or to submit a complaint to the Authority for data protection, in case he or she believes that their rights have been violated. To modify or delete only data that is stored on the systems supplying this website, click here.